“si agua no cae, maíz no crece”
6/8 Afro-Cuban Bembe style. I arranged this percussion section after listening this beautiful Congolese guitar groove played by the incredible London based musician Mulele Matondo.
Chango (Shango) Oru Seco Havana style with the Old Master Julito Guerra and the talented percussionist ‘El Panga’ filmed in Havana. I added the drum kit part in my little recording studio at home.
Composed, played, mixed, directed, shot and editing by myself at home. Babalu Aye is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious disease and healing in the Yoruba religion, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. Babalu Aye is also the spirit that cures these ailments. Both feared and loved, Babalu Aye is sometimes referred to as the “Wrath of the supreme god” because he punishes people for their transgressions. People hold Babalu Aye in great respect and avoid calling his actual name, because they do not wish to invoke epidemics.
A promotion video for The Flamenco festival called ‘Flamenco y punto’ in Lima, Peru. There we had the privilege to play with Ernesto Hermosa on guitar and Leo Amaya on singing.
Dancer: Jesus Olmedo